Material PCB
Features Chip: MPU-6050; Power supply: 3~5V; Means of communication: IIC communication protocol; Chip built-in 16 bit AD adapter; Gyroscope range: +/- 250 500 1000 2000 degree/s; Pin pitch: 2.54mm
Application Great for cellphone / game device / 3D remote controller
Packing List 1 x M..
GY-61 DXL335 3-Axis Accelerometer Module is a three axis accelerometer sensor module based on ADXL335 integrated circuit. The ADXL335 is a triple axis accelerometer with extremely low noise and power consumption. The sensor has a full sensing range of +/-3g. It can measure the static acceleration of..
Arduino Mega 2560 R3
Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple i/o board and a development environment that implements the Processing/Wiring language. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be connected to software on your compute..
DIP Arduino UNO Rev3
Arduino UNO R3 - DIP development board & USB cable
Microcontroller: ATmega328
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to adap..
SMD Arduino UNO Rev3
Arduino UNO R3 - DIP development board & USB cable
Microcontroller: ATmega328 SMD
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IOREF that allow the shields to ..
ATtiny85 Development Board
ATtiny85 model single chip integrated with Couette Mel AVR micro controller and flash memory, including 1KB to 4KB, with a 32 KB to 256 KB SRAM. In addition,
these devices support SPI and TWI (with the I2C- compatibility) communication,
provides maximu..
DHT11 Module Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor
DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor is a composite Sensor contains a calibrated digital signal output of the temperature and humidity. Application of a dedicated digital modules collection technology and the ..
Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor Board Module For Arduino
BMP180 is the new digital barometric pressure sensor of Bosch Sensortec, with a very high performance, which enables applications in advanced mobile devices, such as smart phones, tablet PCs and sports devices. It follows the BMP085..
It has stepped up their game with their new BMP280 sensor, an environmental sensor with temperature, barometric pressure that is the next generation upgrade to the BMP085/BMP180/BMP183. This sensor is great for all sorts of weather sensing and can even be used in both I2C and SPI!
This precis..
Arduino Micro Pro ATMEGA32U4 5V/16MHZ
Pro Micro ATmega32U4 5V/16MHz Module Board with 2 row pin header for arduino Leonardo Replace
1. The Pro Micro is similar to the Pro mini except with a ATmega32U4 on board. The USB transceiver inside the 32U4 allows us to add USB connectivi..
Arduino Due
Arduino Due Microcontroller Board is based on the 32-bit processor Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 MCU and improves all the standard Arduino functionalities and adds many new features.
The Arduino Due offers 54 digital input/output pins (of which 12 can be used as PWM outputs..
Arduino Nano is a surface mount breadboard embedded version with integrated USB. It is a smallest, complete, and breadboard friendly. It has everything that Diecimila/Duemilanove has (electrically) with more analog input pins and onboard +5V AREF jumper. Physically, it is missing power jack. The Nan..
Arduino Mega 2560 R3 - Original
Arduino is an open-source physical computing platform based on a simple i/o board and a development environment that implements the Processing/Wiring language. Arduino can be used to develop stand-alone interactive objects or can be connected to software on y..
Arduino Mega Case - Black Plastic
The Arduino Mega 2560 R3 is a very big and powerful microcontroller,needless to say, you want to keep it protected. Why not protect it with one of these snazzy plastic enclosures? These cases protect the Arduino Mega 2560 from things like rogue wires that might s..
Original Arduino UNO Rev3
Arduino UNO R3 - Original Made in Italy development board & USB cable
Microcontroller: ATmega328
1.0 pinout: added SDA and SCL pins that are near to the AREF pin and two other new pins placed near to the RESET pin, the IO..
Arduino Mini Pro 16MHz is a microcontroller Board
Professional version for Arduino Mini Pro is a microcontroller board. It has 20 digital input / output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 8 analog inputs, a 16MHz resonator, a reset button, pin head mounting h..
ACS712 Chip Electric Current Sensor Module 5V 20A Range
The Allegro™ ACS712 provides economical and precise
solutions for AC or DC current sensing in industrial, commercial,
and communications systems. The device package allows for
easy implementation by the customer. Typ..
Arduino Uno Case - Black Plastic
The Arduino Uno is the undisputed champion of all development boards, why would you not want to keep your board safe and sound inside this black opaque plastic enclosure? These cases protect your Arduino Uno from things like rogue wires that might short it out whi..
DHT11 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor
DHT11 digital temperature and humidity sensor is a composite Sensor contains a calibrated digital signal output of the temperature and humidity. Application of a dedicated digital modules collection technology and the tempera..
The LilyPad Arduino 328 Main Board is an Arduino-programmed microcontroller designed to be easily integrated into e-textiles and wearable projects. It offers the same functionality you find in other Arduino boards, in a lightweight, round package designed to minimize snagging and profile, with wide ..
ENC28J60 Ethernet Module utilizes the new Microchip ENC28J60 Stand-Alone Ethernet Controller IC featuring a host of features to handle most of the network protocol requirements. This Ethernet LAN module connects directly to most microcontrollers.
The number “ENC28J60” a..
لا تؤمنوا بالفشل؛ لأن الاستمتاع بالتجربة لا يعد فشلاً و باستطاعتنا امتلاك كل شيء، لكننا غير قادرين على امتلاكه دفعة واحدة وقدم أفضل ما لديك حتى تجد نفسك في مكان أفضل لتتهيأ للحظة القادمة و يمثل الفشل انتكاسة تتيح لك فرصة القيام بأمور عظيمة.
الناجحون عندهم عادة التوقع الإيجابي قبل حدوث الحدث وكلما بحثت عن الفرص كلما زادت احتمالات تحقيقك للأمان الذي تبحث عنه و إذا أردت تحقيق أشياء ذات قيمة في حياتك، فعليك أولاً أن تكون شخصاً يسعى من أجل تطوير نفسه و الأشخاص الذين يدعون أن بعض الأهداف مستحيلة التحقق يجب أن لا يتدخلوا في محاولات غيرهم لتحقيقها.
لا تضع حدودا لقدراتك، بعض الناس يضعون حدودا لما يظنون أنه بإمكانهم فعله وهذا غير صحيح، يمكنك تحقيق كل ما يصل إليه تفكيرك، وما تؤمن به، فقط تذكر أنه بامكانك ذلك.
عمل يمثل الجزء الأكبر من حياتك، والطريقة الوحيدة لتكون راضيا عن هذا الأمر بشكل كامل هو أن تؤدي عملك بشكل عظيم والطريقة الوحيدة التي يمكنك بها أن تقوم بعملك بشكل عظيم هي أن تحب ما تقوم بعده، وإذا لم تجد ما العمل الذي تحب القيام به بعد فواصل البحث ولا تتوقف، عندما تجده سيكون ذلك هو الرضا الحقيقي عن نفسك
المثالي هو الشخص الذي يساعد الناس من أجل الازدهار والفشل هو الفرصة التي تتيح لك البدء من جديد بذكاء أكبر والعقبات هي تلك الأشياء المخيفة التي تراها عندما ترفع نظرك عن هدفك.